
Follow-Up Program

This program targets ex-addicts, who have successfully undergone the rehabilitation and social reintegration processes:

Program Objectives:
1. Avoiding relapses among addicts who have successfully completed the rehabilitation program
2. Facilitate the social reintegration of the rehabilitation program beneficiaries
3. Helping addicts prove themselves after the completion of the rehabilitation program
4. Strengthening the role of parents and families

Program Services:
1. Individual psychological follow-up
2. Individual and familial social intervention with a psycho-social worker to follow-up on the beneficiaries’ implementation of the life project which has been set and agreed about during the rehabilitation program
3. Follow-up on what has been acquired during the rehabilitation process
4. Familial psychological follow-up (individual and group sessions with psychotherapist) to support the parents and help them build effective relationships with their children
5. Group dynamics for beneficiaries with a psychotherapist
6. Art Therapy sessions (Expressive theater sessions, drawing and painting sessions, music classes, hand crafts …)
7. Life coaching sessions aiming at developing and/or improving the personal skills of addicts
8. Practical skills trainings (computer, languages, communication, internet use …)
9. Cultural and awareness meetings about several issues, in addition the availability of a books library and a cinema club
10. Recreational activities inside and outside the rehabilitation facility as well as sports
11. Creating the JCD Alumni Club which consists of addicts who graduated from the rehabilitation program to share ideas and plan for cultural, recreational, sportive and even social activities

Follow-up services are provided at Father Bechara Abou Mrad Outpatient and Follow-up center in Chiah – Beirut during weekdays.